Our Video Projects

The Labelle Centre's Employee and Family Assistance Program
The CLC's EFAP aims to promote safe and caring workplaces and communities by focusing on the health and the well-being of employees and their families. The EFAP offers counselling, courses, and workshops that aim to meet the needs of people living in Northern Ontario.
Active Offer for Francophones in Minority Situations
The CRRIDEC produced a video for the Réseau du mieux-être francophone du Nord de l'Ontario on the importance of offering french health services in French for Francophones in minority situations.
The importance of French language services in the mental health sector
The CRRIDEC produced a video for the Réseau du mieux-être francophone du Nord de l'Ontario on the importance of offering mental health services in French for Francophones.
Le leadership en milieu de travail : une approche expérientielle (in French)
Le CRRIDEC a conçu une vidéo promotionnelle pour son cours « Le leadership en milieu de travail : une approche expérientielle », offert à l'Université de Hearst.
Cachou's Adventures
Cachou is the proud representative of the Caisse Alliance. His life is full of surprises! Here, you will find a playlist of a dozen videos with Cachou.
The Active Offer of French-Language Health Services
This video was created for the Réseau du mieux-être francophone du Nord de l'Ontario to showcase the importance of being able to provide individuals with health services in their primary language.
What is the RMEFNO?
A video that presents the Réseau du mieux-être francophone du Nord de l’Ontario (RMEFNO), an organization that aims to provide access to quality health services in French in Northern Ontario. Click here for more information.
Students' Financial Co-op
A video aiming to promote the Students' Financial Co-op, a service offered by the Caisse populaire de Hearst at l'École secondaire catholique de Hearst. Students can access their accounts through the Co-op counter and deposit or withdraw money.
Santé en français (Manitoba)
This video presents Santé en français (Manitoba). As official representative of Manitoba’s francophone community, Santé en français plays a leadership role in facilitating and promoting access to high quality French language services in the areas of health and social services.
La Caisse École
A video that promotes the Caisse École, a program that encourages primary school students to start saving their money.
Active Offer Training
This video was created to promote an interactive online training course on the active offer of French language health services created by the Réseau du mieux-être francophone du Nord de l'Ontario, with the collaboration of the CRRIDEC. Click here for the training course's website.